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4:13 Podcast with Jennifer Rothschild

Aug 31, 2018

What do you say when you talk to yourself? Your words matter because you matter. You will learn the three R’s of truthful self-talk and start replacing the lies that shackle you with the truth that sets you free.


Aug 31, 2018

When your to-do list is big and your stamina is small, you need a practical “not-to-do"! Jennifer will show you how to live less overwhelmed as she unpacks Psalm 61:2. So, get out your to-do list and a pen because you’re about to mark some things off the list and live less overwhelmed.


Aug 31, 2018

Fear is a feeling, faith is a choice. Learn how to get free from the worry that fear creates and discover three ways to respond with faith when fear tries to get the best of you.


Aug 30, 2018

Why the 4:13 Podcast? On this introduction episode, you will discover how 4:13 has helped blind author and speaker Jennifer Rothschild navigate the inevitable "can't" of blindness—and how it can help you be and do more than you feel capable of. On the 4:13 Podcast, we will get real about life's not-so-simple moments...